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Tees Valley Inclusion Project

Tackling inequalities, promoting inclusion

The Tees Valley Inclusion Project CIC provides a range of programmes which aims to improve the social, economic and well-being of BME Women and the wider communities across Tees Valley.

The aims of the project, specifically developed to meet the needs of local BME women are to work in partnership to address:-

  • Employment, Education and Training-“Diversity Works Programme”
  • Reducing health inequalities
  • Supporting victims of Honour based violence, Forced Marriages and domestic violence.

Our approach is to work collaboratively with local partners to provide appropriate interventions and offer the support to women and families. The main programme of work will help  to meet the needs of BME women and individuals in the Tees Valley area in areas of social and emotional well-being. Our aim is to provide activities and awareness of good health, equality of opportunity and employment initiatives which promote social inclusion whilst recognising cultural diversity.

Working to Deliver what is needed

The Tees Valley Inclusion Project CIC established in December 2011 has been established as a direct result of the identified gaps which exist for BME women living and working in the sub-region of the North East of England.  The project  will work in partnership with  key services which adresss social inclusion and provide well researched interventions which respond to the inequalities that exisit for BME women, where possible we will deliver specific programmes where mainstream provision does not meet current provision. Our aim of provding culturally appropriate services delivered by local women is at the core of what we do, the reason we have established  innovative programmes in the heart of the Tees Valley.

Our programme of activities is broad and as such we have excellent links with service providers across Tees Valley, as well as many of the partnerships which are involved in delivering the key services which compliment some areas of work which we will be seeking to engage with.

