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Archive for the Articles Category

Today in Teesside

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

Listen to a local BBC interview in Middlesbrough which describes views held by a fifth of  British Asians who feel dishonour within their families should be dealt with by  violence. Local residents give their view.  Listen Now

Call to end violence againist womens and girls.

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Taking Action – the next chapter – Home Office

How fair is Britain?

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

Work in partnership with like-minded organisations, Tees Valley Inclusion Project provides opportunities for collaborative working. Equality in partnership achieves positive outcomes and eliminates discrimination and harassment. But how fair is Britain?

Read the Equality and Human Rights Commission summary report to see what happens in people’s real lives matches up to the ideals of equality. In essence, it helps answer the question, how fair is Britain today?

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