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Equal Opportunities

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement


Tees Valley Inclusion Project CIC is fundamentally developed with a strong and defined, strong and clear commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Our vision and values are based upon key inclusion principles and are integral to our objectives and project activity.

We aim to provide opportunities for all sections of the community so they can access our services, shape our sustainable neighbourhoods and enjoy working and living in an environment which is free from harassment and discrimination. Tees Valley Inclusion Project strongly opposes any form of discrimination based upon the grounds of age, race, gender, gender re-assignment, religion or belief, disability, sexuality, pregnancy or maternity and socio-economic deprivation. We recognise the importance of difference and value and respect individuality as part of our on- going commitment to promoting Equality and Diversity.

Our Values

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is a prerequisite of our values, which are as follows:

  • Professional and accountable
  • Communicating positively, listening and learning
  • Community led empowerment
  • Valuing and respecting difference
  • Passionate about improving lives of women and irradicating violence they suffer
  • Eliminating discrimination and harassment

Our Plans and policies

The design of our services will ensure we meet the needs of our communities based upon their individual requirements. We will:

  • Ensure our plans, policies, processes promote Equality of opportunity and Diversity and are inclusive
  • Eliminate discrimination and harassment as defined in the Equality Act 2010 and also ensure assessments are made to ensure adverse effect does not occur within any protected characteristics
  • Support our committee, customers, volunteers and communities to be aware of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy, and our clear commitment to uphold human rights and eliminate discrimination.


Tees Valley Inclusion will actively engage and consult with diverse groups we serve and aim to extend this to our partners and stakeholders so they can achieve positive outcomes for their customer groups.

Provision of services

As part of our commitment we will ensure our services are relevant and based upon an individual’s needs. We will provide relevant information in accessible formats and ensure this is clear and responds to the information we receive. Where possible we will work to identify gaps in existing data to ensure we have the correct information and that we use this to tailor our services according. We will treat service users with dignity and respect and investigate complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination or victimisation and ensure appropriate actions are taken against perpetrators with our close working with our partners.


We will recruit for the right attitude, one where difference is valued and celebrated.  We will listen and value our staff, service users and volunteers to provide platforms for influence, change and progression. Our internal staff appraisal will embrace difference and ensure unfair treatment is eliminated and negated. 

Scrutiny and Action

 The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy will set out our overarching statement which will be supported by a three year strategy and subsequent action plan. We are currently developing a three year strategy and action plan, Equality and Diversity underpins all the areas of work we will be engaging with.

Our Management Committee

Our Committee will have ultimate responsibility to ensure the actions and processes are achieved, we will provide the necessary training and support to ensure this can be effectively managed. 

Responsibility and Review

The Directors will be responsibility for the Equality portfolio and the actions set out in the forthcoming Strategy and Action plan, this policy will be reviewed every three years or amended as required. This Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy reflects the changes contained within the Equality Act 2010 and subsequent duties and also reflects the requirements of the human rights framework as outlined by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

