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How fair is Britain?

March 8th, 2012

Work in partnership with like-minded organisations, Tees Valley Inclusion Project provides opportunities for collaborative working. Equality in partnership achieves positive outcomes and eliminates discrimination and harassment. But how fair is Britain?

Read the Equality and Human Rights Commission summary report to see what happens in people’s real lives matches up to the ideals of equality. In essence, it helps answer the question, how fair is Britain today?

Stop violence

March 2nd, 2012

Tees Valley Inclusion Project CIC help victims of forced marriages and honour based violence.

We have a series of tailored courses to help organisations understand the cultural issues that affect BME communities across Tees Valley.

Honour Based Violence

February 10th, 2012

Tees Valley, supporting and educating to help change attitudes and stop violence.

Honour based violence and Forced marriages are an issue affecting our communities, we must work in partnership to provide the right choices and support in a culturally sensitive way upholding an individual’s human rights.

BME Employment Issues

January 15th, 2012

Helping to get BME women back into full or part time work, we will be offering support and mentoring to encourage and give confidence to BME women in their quest for suitable employment.

Training and education opportunities available across Tees Valley also need to meet the needs of BME women, Tees Valley Inclusion Project will assist individuals in making the right choice in pursuit of their chosen career path.

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